~~ "There are people who think that without being creative, they can be happy. It is impossible, because creativity is the only way to relate with the ecstasy of existence. -- Osho" ~~

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Nubian Queen:~

Nubian queen. She stands tall without a fear in the world.
Her heart has endured the rugged terrains of life, but it has
not made her to be limited in any way, she is brave and
humble, her spirit is strong but soft. Nubian queen how sweet is your smile,
your heart is firece & as bright as the sunshine. You have remembered what
you passed through in your life, the good and the bad, the low-self esteem,
feeling overwhelmed with abandonment & shame. But you have met your king,
and you invited him in your life to make you into the inspiring and positively passionated young lady you were created to be... You are now free as the dove... Sing your song Nubian Queen, change the world with an outstreched hand of LOVE, you are not alone God walks with you. You are ready, ready to carry out your greatest gifts & dreams raging to be expressed to save another, to reach out to inspire another. Go on, Go on Nubian Queen for you are truly a rare gem!

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