~~ "There are people who think that without being creative, they can be happy. It is impossible, because creativity is the only way to relate with the ecstasy of existence. -- Osho" ~~

Sunday, 10 April 2011

"Why hurt, when you can love"!, by Hannah George

"Why waste hours cursing at a person, when you can wisefully
spend time uplifting, embracing and consoling that troubled
person who may have made you so angry that your first
immediate reaction was to swear at them. Think, brace
yourself, be calm-headed, and instead of doing what seems to
be what a person deserves who may have hurt you, have
courage, stand boldly, and do what may seem hard to do,
share and show love to whoever tries to rip every fibre of
happiness away from you. Some people will use you, and throw
you aside like an old rag, however you should know within
yourself, you are the image of beauty, in and out, you are
valuabuale and deserve respect as an individual. "So what
should you do?" Well from personal experience I have learned
that those who hurt people the most, are those who are
hurting the most. Its like all they've become accustomed to
is hurt pain and shame. It's almost what their mindset
becomes relatable with, so it's what they dish out to others
without even considering... I may have really hurt her, or
him by what I just said or did. I will choose to love, even
if my heart is ripped into millions of pieces, I refuse to
take the easy way out and show hate and bitterness to the
one who has torn my heart apart. If I choose to hate, then I
am no better than the one who has hurt me. "Why hurt, when
you can love!" Yeah I know you may have millions of resons
why you may want to hurt someone who has wronged you, howver
these easily streaming reasons that may come to your mind
quickly are just cop outs, the easy way out. I have been
used, dissapointed, and hurt many times, but I refuse to
allow bitterness to be the end result of such an amazing
life I was priviliged to live. So I am going to love hard,
especially those who hurt hard, my love will be their
recovery from the baggage of hurt and hate they may be
carrying around so tirelessly. So to whoever of you who have
been hurten by a loved one, companion, or just a passer-by
in whatever way or form, choose to forgive, choose to be
free, choose to let go and let love reign. Show that person
if you have the chance to face them again, that you will
love them, whether they deserve your love or not. Choose to
love, not hurt!."

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